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3_물리치료 Healing is Voltage

[전극]#2_전극부착을 위한 피부 준비 (How to Prepare Skin for Electrode Placemen

1. 개방상처 여부 확인 할것

Before electrodes are placed you need to inspect the skin thoroughly to be certain that there are no small abrasions or openings. These openings would serve as a pathway of current and will become very uncomfortable for your subject. If the skin is very hairy it may need to be shaved, but this should be done the day before the first stimulation session as shaving will cause points of irritation and this will cause your patient to be uncomfortable during the first stimulation session. An alternative to shaving the day before would be to use scissors to clip the hair as close to the skin as possible, being careful not to abrade the skin. Preparing the skin is a very important first step in preparation for electrical stimulation. You want to thoroughly clean the skin of any lotion, oils, makeup, and dead skin. You're going to do that with water for most patients just using a towel, a wet towel, and cleaning the skin. Make sure the skin is dry before the electrodes are placed. Some individuals will require alcohol to properly clean the skin's surface, in which case make sure that the alcohol is thoroughly dried before the electrodes are placed. Place the electrodes in the predetermined location, making sure that your lead wires move away from the joint angles, and that your electrodes are smooth on the skin with no wrinkles. Then place your lead wires into your electrodes, being certain of your polarity. Once the system is set, turn the stimulator on and slowly advance the amplitude according to your patient's tolerance
