Lovett's Principle 썸네일형 리스트형 ❤️《척추측만증에 대해 SCOLIOSIS - 척주옆굽음증》❤️🔰🔰 Spinal motion : Lovett's Principle (로벳 원리) 와 척추측만증 형태에 대한 이해 An understanding of Lovett's principles and the basic types of lumbar scolioses offers insight into distortion analysis. Lovett's Rule. This principle states that if the base of a weight-bearing segmented column such as the spine is caused to tilt (eg, unilateral anteroinferior sacral subluxation 한 쪽에서 -앞쪽 아래로 엉치뼈 아탈구), the center of weight bearing will shift toward the high side of the base bec.. 더보기 이전 1 다음