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3_물리치료 Healing is Voltage

어깨 탈구 및 정복 - Kocher's Technique


Kocher's Technique Demonstration - learn how to perform this 1870 technique perfectly

* 환자 상태: Subcoracoid injury only and intack Great tuberosity of shoulder 

(View Youtube. Shoulder Dislocation)

Analgesic Position 1

  • This is the position at which the stretch on the capsule is reduced, and the operator takes over control of the affected limb, allowing the patient to reduce their spasm.
  • A stretched capsule provides a nasueating visceral type of pain and a move to the analgesic position results in a marked reduction of pain and disress.
  • It is achieved by a combination of humeral adduction, a 'hold', and voluntary retroversion of the scapula.


takes control of limb and reduces visceral pain from stretch.


Troubleshooting shoulder relocation - for a reduction algorithm go to dislocation.com.au



Kocher's method of relocating a dislocated shoulder. For full detail go to dislocation.com.au


Position - fully adduct humerus, "chest out", shoulder back, relax"

Manoeuvre 1 - with wrist supinated, externally rotate until resistance is felt

Manoeuvre 2 - move the humerus forward in the sagittal plane

Manoeuvre 3 - internally rotate


