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3_물리치료 Healing is Voltage

엉덩이… 사타구니… 아파요

사타구니와 엉덩이 주위에 통증이 있는 경우가 흔합니다.
8가지 운동법을 통해서 엉덩이(Hip)와 넙다리뒤쪽근육(햄스트링)을 느슨하게 풀어주면 해결됩니다.
(The 8 Best stretches to loosen tight hips and hamstrings.)

긴장된 엉덩이(tight hips)는 다음과 같은 통증이 발생합니다.
1) 엉덩이 통증 (hip pain)
2) 사타구니 통증(groin pain)
3) 허리 통증 (pain in the lower back)
4) 허벅지 통증 (tigh pain)
5) 무릎 통증 (knee pain)


#1 : 엉덩굽힘 근육의 불균형

오랜 앉는 자세(prolonged sitting)와 조깅 혹은 자전거타기와 같은 야외활동은 엉덩굽힘 근육을 많이 사용하여 근육 불균형을 일으켜서 허리 통증이 발생할 수 있습니다.
엉덩굽힘 근육이 긴장을 하면, 골반을 앞쪽으로 당기게 됩니다.
(골반앞기울임, Anterior Pelvic Tilt 라고 합니다.)
이것은 자세 변화를 일으키는데 큰볼기근(gluteus maximus, 대둔근) 억제를 일으켜서, 근육 불균형을 초래합니다.
이에 따라 과사용된 상태에서 엉덩굽힘근육에 압통점(trigger points)들이 생기게 되고, 결국 여러 종류의 통증 반응(pain responses)을 초래합니다.

#2 : 넙다리 뒤쪽근육의 불균형

또한 넙다리 뒤근육들(햄스트링 Hamstrings - 넙다리 두갈래근, 반힘줄근, 반막근 3개를 말합니다)이 긴장하게 되면 등근육들과 함께 골반앞기울임을 방해합니다.


2~3일에 한 번씩 약 10~20분 정도 스트레칭을 하면 통증을 해결할 수 있습니다.
빨리 시작하는 것이 답입니다.
스트레팅 시작하는 것을 더욱더 연기할 수록 그만큼 더 통증은 길어집니다.
(The longer you put off stretching, the more your body will suffer in the long run)

* 주의 사항
1. 근육을 최대한 따뜻하게 하세요.
2. 호흡을 하세요. 호흡을 멈추면 혈압이 상승되어 심장 관련 문제가 생깁니다.
3. 찌르는 듯한 통증(sharp pain)이 있으면 즉시 멈추세요.
4. 대충하지 말고 최대 스트레칭을 하세요.

스트레칭 방법

외국 사이트이기는 하지만 요약하여 공유합니다

#1. 다리 벌리기 (Seated Straddle Stretch)
#2. Extended Wide Squat
#3. Butterfly
#4. Happy Baby
#5. Figure Four
#6. Pigeon Pose
#7. Outer & Inner Hip Stretch with Towel
#8. Open Lizard

#1. 다리 벌리기 (Seated Straddle Stretch)

* Yoga Wheel Pose for beginners
1. Sit on the floor with your legs in a wide “V” position. Sit upright, with your spine straight, and head aligned with your spine.
2. Reach your arms tut in front of your body and place your palms flat on the floor. If you can’t reach the floor, use a ball (or yoga wheel as demonstrated in the video above) to ease into the stretch.
3. Make sure you keep your back flat, and prevent the spine from rounding. Hold for 15-30 seconds, relax and return to starting position.
4. Repeat 2-4 times.

#2. 넓게 하는 스쿼트 (Extended Wide Squat)

Yoga Squat

This relaxing stretch targets both hips at once while opening up the lower back.

1. Stand with your feet a bit wider than your hips. Bend your knees and lower your hips toward the ground. If your heels don’t touch the ground, roll up a towel and place it under your heels.
2. Bring your palms together in front of your chest and firmly press your elbows against the inside of your knees. This will help to further open the hips.
3. Hold for 5 deep breaths, slowly return to standing and repeat another 2 times.

#3. 나비 (Butterfly)


This simple stretch works on your inner thighs, hips and groin. It helps increase flexibility in the hip flexor muscles.

1. Sit on the ground, and bend both knees. Bring your feet together and use your hands to open up your feet like a book. Use your leg muscles to press your knees down toward the floor.
2. Keeping the spine straight, relax the shoulders and then slowly fold forward, while breathing deeply. Remember to keep the spine straight. If you can only bend forward a few inches, that is fine, sit here and breathe.
3. If you want a deeper stretch, extend the arms out in front of you on the floor. Stay here for 5 deep breaths, and then return to starting position.

#4. 행복한 아기 (Happy Baby)

This calming hip opener also stretches your lower back.

1. Lay flat on your back and bend both knees, holding the outside edges of your flexed feet with your hands. Keep your arms on the outsides of your legs.
2. Use your upper body strength to press both knees to the floor below your armpits if you can. Don’t tense up your shoulders while doing this, try to keep everything relaxed and use gravity in your favour.
3. Stay here for 5 deep breaths, rest, and then repeat 2 more times.

#5. 숫자 4 (Figure Four)

This stretch is used to help mobilize and lengthen the muscles in the hips like the glutes and piriformis. It also helps relieve lower back pain.

1. Laying on the ground on your back, cross the affected leg over the other with the ankle resting on the opposite knee.
2. Reach and connect your hands behind the hamstring of the non-bent side.
3. Gently pull the hamstring towards your belly and feel a stretch to the opposite side on the affected leg.
4. Breathe deep, hold for 60 seconds, and release. Repeat on the other side.

#6. 비둘기 자세 (Pigeon Pose)

This is one of my all time favourite poses, because it is a very effective hip opener. It allows you to focus on one hip at a time.

1. Sit with your right knee bent and your left leg extended behind you. Pull the right heel in toward your left hip, or if you are more flexible, inch your right foot away from you. Always be sure that the left hip is pointing down toward the mat. If it starts to open up toward the ceiling, draw your right foot back in toward your body.
2. Stay in this position, and rest your hands on your right thigh or your hips, or walk the hands out in front of you, allowing the torso to rest over the right knee. Hold here, and breathe into any tight areas (at least 5 deep breaths).
3. Repeat this pose with the left knee bent.

#7. 수건으로 하는 엉덩이 가쪽/안쪽 스트레칭 (Outer & Inner Hip Stretch with Towel)

Exactly as it is written, this stretch helps relieve tightness in the inner and outer hip and thigh area.

1. Lay on the floor and tie resistance band or towel around the right foot. Bend the left knee and place the left foot on the floor for support.
2. Grab onto the opposite end of the towel and bring your right leg out as far to the right as you can. If it hits the floor, that is great. Hold for 30 seconds.
3. Now, bring the leg over your body, keeping the leg straight, and feel the stretch across your outer hip. Hold for 30 seconds.
4. Repeat with the other leg.

#8. 열린 도마뱀 (Open Lizard)

This stretch is a great one for the hip flexors (muscles at the front of the hip) as well as the

1. Coming into a lunge position with your right knee forward, lower your left knee to the floor and rest your hands on the ground under your shoulders.
2. Gently lower your right knee to the right so your resting on the outside of your flexed right foot. Keep the arms straight, pressing the chest forward to increase the stretch.
3. Hold for 5 deep breaths, and then repeat on the left side.
